by Vegan Green Living | Nov 5, 2019 | Lifestyle, Vegan Green Living
Image from PixabayVegan brands and products are showing up everywhere, from expected places like Whole Foods Market to more unexpected places such as Walmart. In addition to vegan products showing up in many mainstream stores, online shopping has made it incredibly...
by VGLEdit@rs | Oct 22, 2019 | Lifestyle
Crystals are having a moment, and for good reason. They have been admired and used since the beginning of time as a source of inspiration, healing, and for their beauty. With so many crystals available it can be overwhelming to figure out what crystals are best for...
by Vegan Green Living | Aug 20, 2019 | Lifestyle
The word vegan is becoming more mainstream. Trends in grocery product sales and internet searches indicate that people are becoming more interested in living a vegan lifestyle and trying out vegan products. Many people are curious about veganism and some try to go...
by Vegan Green Living | Aug 13, 2019 | Lifestyle
The term plant-based seems to be popping everywhere from influencers to recipes and books. It seems to be the “it” term of the year yet it’s confusing for many. That's because it doesn’t always mean the same thing depending on who uses it. We hope to cut through the...
by Vegan Green Living | Jul 4, 2019 | Alternatives, Content, Diet, Lifestyle, Vegan Green Living, Veggie Burger
Did you know that veggie burgers made their commercial introduction in 1982? In the last year, how many times did you eat a healthy veggie burger in place of a greasy beef burger? And how many times did you wonder, just what are veggie burgers made out of?That's a lot...
by Vegan Green Living | Feb 26, 2019 | Blog, Lifestyle
There’s a false assumption held by many that a vegan diet is unaffordable and therefore unattainable, especially for families. While it certainly can be more expensive if you buy all organic, lots of processed foods, gourmet cheeses and ice creams or don’t shop...